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One partner in particular redid the Dragonfly survey project. But both partners have something in common, they both love this project. One reason being because it’s entertaining and exciting to be able to look at dragonflies, identify them, and capture them. Although one partner had more experience from last year, we were able to learn from each other and work as a team.One question we have for this year was on where dragonflies go when it rains. This question was not practical since it rarely rains, and when it does rain we don’t see any dragonflies or see where they went. Luckily we had another question in which used time to compare the amount of dragonflies seen around the Lincoln Park area. The project’s variables included time as the Independent and Total(dragonflies) as the dependent. If any of you want to go out and replicate  this project then you would need to first download the project “Dragonfly Population.” Then fill in the entry with a numbered field number and take pictures of where you did the survey. One tip would be to face a large body of water, with decent vegetation, and do your survey there.


This project is all about surveying adult dragonflies around the Lincoln park area, ID them, and catch them to put in our collection. Expanding on this idea, our goal is to be able to go out and survey dragonflies both in the morning and afternoon to compare the activity of adult dragonflies before and after lunch. But most of all we are trying to see if there’s a trend in dragonfly activity between the morning or afternoon, and with the data we collect or retrieve we can easily find the comparison/trend in dragonfly’s activity between the morning and afternoon.Through this project we would want to learn what would be the best time to go out and look for dragonflies. However before that also learned how to identify some of the common dragonflies and learn more about them. 

If you want to replicate this project then you need to bring the materials needed to identify the dragonflies whether it’s binoculars, to see dragonflies from afar, or butterfly cages, to see dragonflies from up close. It’s also very crucial for you to record every dragonfly we are able to see so that the data won’t be invalid. This is why it’s important to use teamwork where one member of the team is calling out every dragonfly they see, while the other member is tally marking that dragonfly in its appropriate identification row. 

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